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GPs Are On Your Side

You have probably noticed that something is wrong. Look at the difficulty you have in getting an appointment at your local surgery. When you do get through, it may not be an appointment with a GP at all. Have you lost your regular family doctor? You are not alone. The past decade has seen us lose far too many surgeries and thousands of GPs.

General Practice is collapsing.

Every practice across England is struggling to keep its doors


We value our patients! We know that most patients value us too, especially when they need us regularly. You know we can deal with most of your health problems, keep you out of hospital, and have your best interests at heart. The problem is with the mismanagement of the NHS.

Your GP is an expert in general medical practice – trained over 10 years to deal with complex problems, spot serious symptoms, and decide when you need specialist help at the hospital.

We believe general practice deserves a bigger slice of NHS funding so we can train and hire more GPs, deliver the services you require and make it easier for you and your loved ones to get appointments to see your GP and practice team.

GPs want the same things that you do. We believe nobody should struggle to see their family doctor.

General Practice should be as it once was – a familiar family doctor, offering continuity of care in a surgery full of friendly familiar faces within a safe building where you knew you would get the care you needed.

How can you support your family doctor?

Talk to any election candidate who you come across

When candidates from the political parties come knocking on your door, ask them what they will do to save general practice. What will they do so you can see a GP in a modern local surgery?

Join the patient participation group at your local practice

Your local practice should have a patient participation group (PPG), which you could join to support the practice and influence the way they deliver local services.

Ask your surgery receptionist for further information about the existing group or details on how you might start one up. 

The National Association for Patient Participation has useful information, too.

If you have lost your family doctor, you are not alone.

General Practice is broken. Help us fix it.


Measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious problems in some people. Having the MMR vaccine is the best way to prevent it.

Please click on the link below:-  


New Website - North Connect Primary Care Network

Eastbury Surgery is part of North Primary Care Network of practices. 

The network has launched a new website to provide more information for patients to help keep you healthy and well.

Please click on the link below for further information.

North Connect PCN Website


Please read our latest newsletter here.

Eastbury Surgery Newsletter - December 2023

Information for Parents – Scarlet Fever

Please click on the link below for information:

NHSE advice specific to Strep A symptoms and who to contact: website containing new information on Strep A

Parents who need more information can read this blog from UKHSA and are encouraged to use the ‘How to Help your Unwell Child’ information here which includes information on what to do in an emergency.

West London Lung Health Check Programme

The practice is taking part in the West London Lung Health Check Programme. If you are a patient aged 55-74 and are a current or ex-smoker you can book a lung health check with a respiratory nurse. Click her to find out more:  

West London Lung Health Check - Lung Health Check West London ( 

Hillingdon Talking Therapies IAPT Service

This message is to highlight the role and provision of treatment which is provided by Hillingdon Talking Therapies.

Our service is open to any adult aged 18+ who registered with a GP in Hillingdon. We are a primary care Talking Therapies service.

What We Offer:

Guided Self-Help – an opportunity to learn skills and techniques to help manage the symptoms of low mood, stress and anxiety. We offer both telephone and online support.

Short-Course Counselling – providing a space to talk through difficulties such as depression, loss and relationship issues.

Short-Course Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) – teaches you techniques to change your thinking and behaviours to break out of vicious cycles.

Workshops and Groups - Managing Anxiety, Stress Management Course, Moodboost, Wellbeing for Mums Group, Covid Recovery Group, Living Well with Health Group, and Mindfulness Group.

Please see the link below to our self-referral form (those registered with GPs in Hillingdon only):

We also facilitate free-to-access webinars. The schedule of these can be found below:

Groups and workshops in Hillingdon :: CNWL Talking Therapies

PLEASE NOTE: We have upcoming webinars on Stress Management and Low Mood. Stress Management will be taking place on Friday 27th May 2022 at 10-11AM. Moodboost will be taking place on Wednesday 8th June at 12-1PM. Anyone can sign up to these using the below link:

Our website contains self-help materials such as booklets and self-help videos, which can be accessed below:

Our service contact details are as follows: 01895 206 800 or


Covid-19 Infections are increasing in the local area.

If you are experiencing symptoms of Covid, please ensure that you have done a PCR test not just a Lateral Flow Test.

For further advice on what to do should your symptoms deteriorate, please click on the link below:


The REGAIN study aims to find out which of two treatments is better for helping people recover after being in hospital with COVID-19:

  • An on-line rehabilitation exercise and recovery support group 


  • A single on-line session of exercise advice and support

Please click on the link below for further information

REGAIN Patient Invitation


You may have seen on the news that from Monday 17th May 2021, the doors of GP practices are "re-opening".

As you know, Eastbury Surgery has been open throughout the pandemic, offering patients telephone and online appointments, with face to face consultations available for those who need them. This was in-line with national requirements to keep patients safe, whilst COVID infection rates were high and before the vaccination rollout.

GP practices are now being encouraged to offer patients a choice of whether they would like a remote or face to face consultation. However, before we have more people coming into the surgery to see us in person, we need a bit of time to put in place measures to keep everyone safe. 

We are facing unprecedented demands for our services and will need to continue to adjust how we use our clinicians' time to best support our patients, particularly, those who need us the most.

We are pleased to announce that as of Monday 7th June, 2021, the intercom system will no longer be in operation as and you will be able to access the surgery as you did pre-covid.

Our e-Consult platform will be disabled from 6:30pm on 4th June 2021, and as we are moving back to pre-covid system, we have increased your access through patient online access.

In order to reduce footfall and keep everybody safe, all appointments will be triaged first. 

You will be asked a few questions about your conditions over the phone with a member of the healthcare team to assess what would be most appropriate for you and which practice member would best provide it.

Face-to-face appointments are only available to patients where there is a clinical need.

We have a range of measures in place to keep you safe from COVID19 including regular cleaning of patient areas and social distancing.

We are also offering video consultations, as well as telephone consultations and these can be convenient and flexible ways to receive healthcare.

Eastbury Surgery continues to offer cervical smears and childhood immunisations, injections, chronic disease reviews, dressings etc.

Please ensure you wear a face covering to your appointment.

For urgent issues or out of hours, you can also call the NHS on 111 or go online to seek NHS advice

Finally, please not contact the surgery about your COVID-19 vaccination status. GPs cannot provide letters showing your COVID-19 vaccination status.  You can call 119 or use your NHS App.  For further information, please click on the link

Information Links for Children and Young People

The Northwest London Children & Young People’s Programme has collated these resources, for families and clinicians, to support the management of unwell children during the coronavirus pandemic.  Please click on the links below:-

Accessing Local Emergency Services During Coronavirus - Hillingdon, West Hounslow & West Ealing

Accessing Local Emergency Services During Coronavirus - Brent, Ealing & Harrow

Accessing Local Emergency Services During Coronavirus - Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster

How to Help Your Unwell Child Information Booklet - ICHT (Children Under 5)

Advice for Parents During Coronavirus - ICHT

Is It Serious - Information for Parents

Coronavirus Isolating at Home

Please click on the link below for information for patients with suspected coronavirus who have not been admitted to hospital and will be isolating at home.

Coronavirus Isolating at Home

Hillingdon Carers

Hillingdon Carers' has rebranded as Carers Trust Hillingdon.

Please click on the link below to access their new website:-

or for their latest newsletters please click on the link below:-

Carers Trust Winter 2020 Newsletter

Hillingdon Integrated Sexual Health Service

Hillingdon Integrated Sexual Health Service has been operating a triage system over the phone (“digital first”) during the pandemic period. Patients should contact our booking centre on 020 8453 2751/2 from Monday to Friday 08:30 to 4:00. They will be contacted by a clinician and managed accordingly, with those urgent cases being prioritised.

Individuals with no symptoms, with vaginal discharge and who are contacts of STIs can obtain a testing kit on line at This is a free and confidential service, available for Hillingdon residents over 18.

Patients seeking oral Emergency Contraception can also access this via

Face Covering & Temperature Check

Dear Patient

Following the guidance issued by NHS England, we will require that all patients entering the practice to wear a face covering. Please ensure you attend the practice with a face covering as you may not gain entry to the surgery without it.  

Your temperature will also be checked at the door.

Thank you

Eastbury Surgery

Urgent Prescription Requests & Over the Counter Prescriptions

As per NHS England and local prescribing guidance, Eastbury Surgery will no longer be prescribing OTC medicines for such as, paracetamol, vitamins, treatments for dry eyes and minor skin conditions and heartburn and indigestion etc.

These items are available to buy from your local community pharmacy or chemist. For further information:

Please ensure your repeat prescription requests are placed 72 hours in advance. We generally do not accept urgent prescription requests unless there are special circumstances.

Any urgent requests need to be made at reception and those processed will need to be collected from the surgery.

Changes to Prescribing of Over the Counter Medicines

Did you know that your local NHS spends £15m a year on prescribing medicines that are available to buy at the pharmacy?

Following national guidance from NHS England, we’re asking GPs not to prescribe these medicines*, including for conditions such as coughs, colds, headaches, mouth ulcers, travel sickness and mild toothache.

Your GP will not generally give you a prescription for over the counter medicines for a range of minor health concerns. Instead, over the counter medicines are available to buy at your local pharmacy.

The team of health professionals at the pharmacy can offer help and clinical advice to manage minor health concerns and if your symptoms suggest it’s more serious, they’ll direct you to the help you need. 

For further details, including a list of conditions the guidance applies to, please take a look at our leaflet here. You can also contact us at

Contraceptive & Sexual Health Appointment & Walk-in Service

Contraceptive & Sexual Health Appointment & Walk-in Service

Update: Faecal Immunochemical Test for Bowel Cancer Screening

The Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) for bowel cancer screening was to become the primary test of the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme in England, replacing the guaiac faecal occult blood test (gFOBT). This has now been fully implemented.

Please click on the link below for further information

Patient Participation Group (PPG) - Next AGM

Our next PPG AGM will be on Thursday 7th November at 2:00pm at Eastbury Surgery.  All patients are welcome to attend.

Patient Participation Group AGM

Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Anyone over the age of 18 who is a registered patient of the Eastbury Sugery can become a member.  We do ask that you are enthusiastic about the Practice developing and delivering its services to the community.

You do not need to have a health care background.  Members of minorities are especially welcome to enable us to reflect the diversity of the local community.

If you are interested in being a member or supporter of the PPG or would just like to find out more, please contact the Practice Manager, Rupal Nathwani on 01923 845 945 or ask for a registration form at Reception.  

You can download the sign up form as a pdf document, print it out, complete it and return it to the practice.

download the pdf form Download the pdf version of our sign up form


Please note that PSA age-specific thresholds have changed and blood tests PREVIOUSLY reported as normal may be above the CURRENT age-specific threshold range.

If you are age 40 and above and have not been contacted by the surgery regarding your previously performed PSA tests please leave a message with our reception staff for a clinician to check your blood test result.


 AGE (years)​                                   PSA VALUE (ng/ml)

40-49                                               ≥2.5

50-69                                               ≥3

≥70                                                   ≥5   

Ear Syringe Service

With effect from 1st July 2018, we will no longer be providing routine Ear Syringe Service.

Please click on the link below for more information or speak to one of our receptionists.

Ear Syringe Leaflet


The GDPR replaces the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and is designed to harmonise data privacy laws across Europe, to protect and empower all EU citizens’ data privacy and to reshape the way in which organisations across the region approach data privacy. The GPDR comes into effect on 25 May 2018.

Please find Eastbury Surgery "How We Use Your Information" poster as well as our GDPR Privacy Notice.

Eastbury Surgery - GDPR How We Use Your Information

Eastbury Surgery - GDPR Interim Privacy Notice

Improving Access to General Practice:  Evening and Weekend Appointments now available

Patients who are registered at this practice can now book an appointment to see a GP or nurse on weekday evenings (after 6.30pm) or at the weekends (on Saturday and Sunday). Appointments will take place at another NHS setting nearby.  Talk to the practice receptionist to find out more or book an appointment.

By March 2019 everyone in England will benefit from access to general practice appointments in the evenings and weekends at a time that is most convenient to them. This is part of a national drive to help improve access to general practice and get the best possible outcomes for patients. Further information is available at:-

Prescribing Wisely - Healthier North-West London NHS

The North West London Collaboration of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) is launching two new proposals around medicines prescribing across the eight boroughs in North West London. 

Medicines and Products that can be bought without a Prescription 

The NHS in Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon, Hounslow, Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster spent over £13 million in 2016 on products that can be bought without a prescription at community pharmacies.

The NHS is under pressure. Our budgets are not large enough to pay for all the treatments we would like to purchase.

We would like to spend less on medicines you can buy without a prescription so as to free up funds for other valuable NHS services.  So practices across North West London will no longer routinely prescribe medicines which are available to buy over the counter in pharmacies (and, in the case of some medicines, in supermarkets and other shops too).

If a medicine you need can be bought without a prescription, your GP may ask if you are willing to buy it.  If you are not, it will be prescribed.

This also means that if you require that medicine again you don’t need to make a doctor’s appointment but can get it straight from your community pharmacist, saving both you and the doctor time.

When you buy one of these medicines at a pharmacy, it is worth asking for the least expensive form of the medicine.

National guidance on prescribing over the counter (OTC) medicines is likely to arrive at some stage after spring 2018.  NW London CCGs expect to align their approach with national guidance if and when such guidance is published.

The approach of North West London CCGs’ enables everyone who needs one of these medicines to get it.

The following groups will not be asked if they will pay for a prescription:

School children, if the product needs to be given at school

Care home residents

Individuals with funded care packages where a carer is required to administer a medicine or product

Anyone officially declared homeless

People with a diagnosis of dementia

People with a diagnosed learning disability.​ 

Requesting your Repeat Prescriptions

North West London Clinical Commissioning Groups (NW London CCGs) believes that a lot of medicines are wasted – dispensed but not used.  We believe that some of this waste can be reduced if people request their repeat prescriptions directly from their general practice, rather than allowing a community pharmacy to request prescriptions on their behalf.  Nobody knows which medicines you are really running out of better than you (or your carer if you have one).

What if I cannot request my own repeat prescriptions and do not have a family member or friend who can request them for me?

Talk with our receptionist at the practice.  There are a number of other options and it will be a case of agreeing one with your general practice.

 This process will commence from 2nd January 2018

Care Connection Team

Care Connection Teams (CCTs) look after patients aged 65 years and over, who have been identified by the GPs as needing case management because of their health and social care needs.

For more information o the service please visit



H4All provide a free Wellbeing service for Hillingdon residents aged 65 and over that need support to better manage long term health conditions, frailty, social isolation and to bring people into greater contact with their local community.

For more information or to refer to the service please visit:

Integrated Sexual & Reproductive Health

CNWL have created a patient website for Integrated Sexual & Reproductive Health Service offering:-

  • advice on contraception
  • sexual health clinic times and venues (Tudor Centre and Hesa)
  • how and where to get tested for STI and HIV
  • sexual health facts and more

Here is the website address

Patient Online Access

Patients are able to book appointments, request prescriptions, view blood test results, immunisations, medications and allergies online.  To obtain your login details, please ask to complete a short form at reception.


Please click on the link below for further information.

A Parent/Guardians Guide to Treating Common Childhood Conditions

Please click on the link below for the guide.

A Parent/Guardians Guide to treating common childhood conditions

Named GP

Every patient has a named GP, this is usually the Doctor that you were initially registered under and who will oversee your care, however you are able to see any GP of your choice in the practice.  If you are unsure who your named GP is, please contact the surgery and the staff will be able to help you.

Blood Test Results

Emergency results are looked at on the day by the duty doctor, however routine results take 5 working days.

We would like to remind our patients that it is their responsibility to check their results and to make a face to face appointment/telephone consultation to discuss them with their doctor if they are advised to do so. 

Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website