Repeat Prescriptions

Patients who are on regular medication do not always need to see a doctor to obtain a repeat prescription.

We ask that all patients nominate a local pharmacy so that prescriptions may be sent electronically via the electronic prescription service (EPS) wherever possible.

Repeat Prescriptions can be requested in the following ways:

    • Online via patient access (see details below)
    • Prescription counterfoil - by marking the items you need and leave in the post box to the left of the surgery doors (please do not use highlighter pens)
    • By post with a stamped self-addressed envelope
    • By fax (01923 840534)

Kindly include the following information:

                Full Name

                Date of birth

                Items and quantities you require

Please allow 3 working days for your prescription to be processed, but please do not order more than 7 days before the medication is due.

N.B Prescription requests that need to be queried with a doctor may take longer. 

Prescriptions may be collected from the surgery between 8.30am–6.30pm Mon-Fri.

Sharmans, Boots, Carters, Loomrose and Ross pharmacies also operate a collection service from the practice.

Online Repeat Prescriptions

We encourage patients to use this service wherever possible as it enables you to be in control of ordering your medication and you can see at a glance when your medications are due.

Go to the tab ‘Online Access’ for full details.

You cannot access this system until you are given registration details from the Practice.

Once you have your unique pin number you must access the web site to create your individual account and password. Once set up, just click on the link at the top of this page where you can access the online system.

Medication Reviews/Monitoring

Patients on repeat medication may be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.

Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

Certain medications also require monitoring blood/urine tests. Please ensure these are done in a timely manner when requested.

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